Опубликовано: 09.12.2009
Петр Чеботарев (фото: 1L26 специально для DanceSport.Ru)
Просмотров: 11273
Мы рады предложить Вам специальный материал о недавно прошедшем турнире "Ритм-2009". Согласно постановлению ФТСР иностранный специалист не может проводить занятия и осуществлять тренерскую деятельность в России в течение десяти дней до и десяти дней после турнира, на котором он будет работать в качестве судьи.
Поэтому руководство ТСК "Ритм" в лице Петра Чеботарёва, организовавшего тренировочный лагерь за несколько дней до турнира, обратилось к четырем лекторам с просьбой высказать своё мнение о танце дуэтов финалов и полуфиналов турнира.
Впечатления четырех специалистов высочайшего уровня - John & Snieguole Wood, Richard Porter, Massimo Giorgiani - передали нам для публикации.
Мы сохраняем отзывы полностью в том виде, в котором они были нам переданы, а также умышленно приводим не перевод на русском языке, а оригинальную английскую версию, чтобы избежать возможных неточностей и сохранить всю полноту значения того или иного слова.
Snieguole Wood.
Adults St
7 - Афонин Юрий - Дорохова Марина. – Good presentation, but lacking in energy. Drive in VW is too small. Foxtrot light and flows, but missing drive.
9 - Клюев Сергей - Наумова Элла. Sharp and sleek, well rehearsed. Lacking body flight in swing dance.
12 - Лопатин Павел - Лилло Ольга. Expressive, tide and beautiful but missing free meaning and story.
17 - Иванов Алексей - Фирсова Ирина. Naturally, fast and sparkle, but missing contrast, especially in slow movement. All dances looks same – fast!
20 - Бредихин Алексей - Керенцева Мария. Nice tango choreography, but missing characteristics of tango. Beautiful dress, lovely VW action. Beautiful body flight and drive. Looked and dance like the winners.
46 - Николаев Михаил - Киреева Ксения. – Nice movement and presentation, but looks slightly tensed; they need to relax their upper body.
54 - Степочкин Владимир - Тенякова Анастасия. Very elegant couple, beautiful girl stylistically and technically. Tango lacked sharpness and crisp. Lovely swing in VW. Overall vast improvement!
58 - Bulanov Denis - Pyrkhova Yulia. Nice and swingy quickstep, with good mix of jumps and runs. More interesting body shapes would give more excitement for this couple.
59 - Волынщиков Марк - Хомик Екатерина. Looked a little heavy. Girl had nice dress and presentation. In foxtrot lacking usage of standing leg.
61 - Нестеров Игорь - Прямилова Ольга. Boy has beautiful line, but girl has problems with shoulders. Boy beautiful natural expression.
62 - Горелов Александр - Кочарян Инна. Look powerful and beautiful. VW had wrong footwork. Girl’s feet used poorly and her back looks heavy.
63 - Конобевцев Андрей - Копышева Ксения. Nice musical expression, but problems with weight distribution and balance.
65 - Гераскин Геннадий - Евдокимова Полина. Clean frame and lines, light movement. Boy need more character of dance tango. Tango looked heavy.
70 - Бодров Дмитрий - Трубицына Юлия. Nice body flight, but slightly stiff body. For sure needs more rotation and sway in body. Girls back looks stiff too.
Youth ½ St
5 - Андреянов Евгений - Соколова Алина. Connection problems caused stress in girls shoulder line, also leading and following was missing.
13 - Хлебутин Иван - Соловьева Анастасия. Good energy, but not truthful dancing – too much usage of arms.
14 - Яценко Семен - Рожкова Анна. Powerfully moving couple, lovely, flexible girl, but sometimes looks heavy. They have one of the best VW in the competition.
30 - Борисенок Филипп - Тарасова Ольга. Lovely quality of movements. Girl produced beautiful shapes. Need more work in foot styling. Great tango character.
31 - Володин Александр - Манаенкова Анна. Position problems, because of this dance looked stiff and lacking in freedom. Both have good leg action.
34 - Борисов Александр - Якубова Янина. Show good understanding of technique in VW, but tango had major problems in position. W+А also danced well.
35 - Бронников Артем - Гришко Дарья. One of the most beautiful girls. Boy looks weak in the back, also footwork needs attention, for both.
36 - Брайловский Артем - Гусева Анастасия. – Nice body flight and timing. Girl looks a little heavy.
38 - Павлов Кирилл - Быстрова Евгения. Very musical couple. Looks slightly tensed.
39 - Круглов Игорь - Щербина Ольга. Great characteristics and expression. Tango a little too hard. Swing dances need more groundings. Q nice and light. Very good.
44 - Ячменев Святослав - Абросимова Ксения. Timing problems. Q looks heavy, but they have nice choreography and good floor craft.
45 - Исаев Федор - Зудилина Анна. Sensitive dancing, beautiful musicality, missing power. Tango needs more confidence. Need to train stamina.
John Wood
Adults St
9 - Клюев Сергей - Наумова Элла. Action too hard and forced in the swing dances, strong tango and quickstep.
12 - Лопатин Павел - Лилло Ольга. I have never seen this couple before, but they impressed me with their quality dancing. A little more freedom in the shoulders would help.
17 - Иванов Алексей - Фирсова Ирина. Good movement, but very fixed and over controlled. More upper body freedom required.
20 - Бредихин Алексей - Керенцева Мария. For me easy winners tonight. They offered class and dynamics. The right balance of fashionable + classic choreography – great.
54 - Степочкин Владимир - Тенякова Анастасия. They danced two great waltzes (slow and vw) with good action + flow. A great improvement well done.
58 - Bulanov Denis - Pyrkhova Yulia. He is a very good competitor. In previous competitions (that I have seen him dance) he overtries, but tonight the balance was just right.
59 - Волынщиков Марк - Хомик Екатерина. Well done in making this semi-final, but compared to the others it looked too heave + lacked freedom of swing. Good posture + line figures.
61 - Нестеров Игорь - Прямилова Ольга. Good swing dances with plenty of body flight. Too much rise and fall in tango. Good bright quickstep full of charm.
62 - Горелов Александр - Кочарян Инна. Tall and powerful couple. Their asset is their movement. They have a great style, but please stop sticking your left thump up it spoils your otherwise good shape. Congratulation! Well done!
63 - Конобевцев Андрей - Копышева Ксения. Danced well to make the semi but man’s left side is too open, resulting in an unbalanced shape.
65 - Гераскин Геннадий - Евдокимова Полина. Good style and technique, but "underpowered". They need to study the dynamics of movement to help their dancing.
70 - Бодров Дмитрий - Трубицына Юлия. Good performance and danced well all night. For me there was a lack of fullness in your foxtrot. And please do something with your bowtie. It looks yellow and untidy. At this level of dancing everything has to be good.
Youth ½ St
14 - Яценко Семен - Рожкова Анна. Very good performance through the competition. Anna looks more settled in her shoulder line tonight. A couple for the future –well done.
30 - Борисенок Филипп - Тарасова Ольга. Olga looks so beautiful tonight in her powder pale dress. They danced a great Basic Swing in the quickstep. At times with Phillips power you could think as thought they were the champions. But they are not as consistence as the winners. Good work, well done..
31 - Володин Александр - Манаенкова Анна. This couple has made such an improvement over the last 6 months. They danced a great final. Keep up the good work. Great.
34 - Борисов Александр - Якубова Янина. Good movement. But the girls shoulder line requires attention. The shape of the couple is so important. Check the mans right hand tension, that could be the problem.
35 - Бронников Артем - Гришко Дарья. Good looking couple, very eye-catching on the floor, In the swing dances the movement looks to ‘fight’. Great quickstep full of excitement color.
39 - Круглов Игорь - Щербина Ольга. Easy winners tonight. The girl is the best youth girl dancing in the world today. The quality of movement needs more attention; A ‘fuller’ drive and greater body projection would help – good luck in the future!
45 - Исаев Федор - Зудилина Анна. This was a good competition for this couple, they started and finished with the same quality, a good asset to have:"-Consistency!". However they need more freedom in the swing dances, great quickstep.
Massimo Giorgiani
Adults St
9 - Клюев Сергей - Наумова Элла. Good sense of space.
12 - Лопатин Павел - Лилло Ольга. Upper part looks static, more flexibility is request.
20 - Бредихин Алексей - Керенцева Мария. Good musicality, forward movement have to improve.
17 - Иванов Алексей - Фирсова Ирина. Very artistic. She is too much back.
54 - Степочкин Владимир - Тенякова Анастасия. They improve a lot since last year. They need to work on relationship.
55 - Миргородский Илья - Сторожева Анна. Nice and elegant couple, for the future they have to open theirself , freed of expression is a good words for them.
58 - Bulanov Denis - Pyrkhova Yulia. A lot of energy, not in half interval.
59 - Волынщиков Марк - Хомик Екатерина. Too frontal, they need to pass each other rise.
61 - Нестеров Игорь - Прямилова Ольга. Elegant couple, she needs to work on posture.
62 - Горелов Александр - Кочарян Инна. Very attractive couple, good sense of weight. He have to more there she is. Good possibility.
63 - Конобевцев Андрей - Копышева Ксения. There style of movement at the moment doesn’t look ballroom stylr. Work at principle of that style urgent.
65 - Гераскин Геннадий - Евдокимова Полина. Too much time I see they do different step.
70 - Бодров Дмитрий - Трубицына Юлия. The posture of the lady is unbalance.
Youth ½ St
5 - Андреянов Евгений - Соколова Алина. Action anytime very urgent.
13 - Хлебутин Иван - Соловьева Анастасия. Nice and musically. Please improve your posture.
14 - Яценко Семен - Рожкова Анна. Good proportion. Musicality they have to work a lot.
30 - Борисенок Филипп - Тарасова Ольга. I suggest more linear choreography.
31 - Володин Александр - Манаенкова Анна. Good timing, they need understand what doesn’t meen exstrovere movement.
34 - Борисов Александр - Якубова Янина. Too many time different steps.
35 - Бронников Артем - Гришко Дарья. Good sense of progressive action. Have to improve.
36 - Брайловский Артем - Гусева Анастасия Feet too weak.
38 - Павлов Кирилл - Быстрова Евгения. Positive couple. More action.
39 - Круглов Игорь - Щербина Ольга. Good dynamic. Sometime too frontal.
45 - Исаев Федор - Зудилина Анна. Good sence of ballroom style, dynamic of movement have to improve.
Richard Porter
Adults La
12 - Семенов Антон - Каюкова Евгения. I can watch her all day as I think she is a gear dancer with real feeling and a supe leak, needs to tidy up her feet a little, but anyway a dancers dancer and I like very much!! He needs to use his torso more to dominate and challenge more as a man.
24 - Гусев Андрей - Черевичная Елизавета. Super paso with everything representing capeing movements and fine inside the choreography to create the correct energy.
26 - Лихачев Евгений - Левина Мария. Good energy in cha, nice bright lock but need to shorten these connection arms for a more effective lead.
33 - Иванов Вадим - Цыброва Екатерина. Need to work in paso to get greater intensity and characterization, all seemed too busy and same.Nice jive, good energy but used in a cool way not just kicking style but intelligent knee bounce with a swing body style, I liked it.
41 - Соколков Алексей - Иванова Наталья. Are improving but need to work on their design and masculine/feminine rolls more to get greater effects from their choreography.
44 - Литвинов Владимир - Акимова Александра. Good luck to them and nice and masculine and feminine but could do with greater speed change as his would more and more exciting.
75 - Горелов Артем - Борщева Анастасия. Nice looking couple who intelligently used the samba rhythms and had time to play with their instead of just putting speed in every step- good!
88 - Макаров Игорь - Бакланова Анна. Another good couple, but rumba seemed too much in frame and all come across monotone and too small.
102 - Полянский Федор - Галустян Карина. Great cha cha, caught the character of the dance beautifully.
109 - Захаров Кирилл - Бралюк Екатерина. Nice looking couple but rumba looked too small, with a right body actions and didn’t rotate enough making it difficult to judge I would think.
110 - Сорокин Дмитрий - Бурмистрова Наталья. Starting to become more individual and playing with their rhythms so it’s better, but still a little quiet– in energy and focus.
115 - Елизарьев Николай - Николаева Ольга. Started well in cha with good feet speed and small centre but as the dance went on it all get a bi loose and untidy.
Youth, La
34 - Кузнецов Евгений - Полевцова Екатерина. It’s difficult to find youth couples that can understand and show a good paso, but this couple did it well and through the bodies you could see the necessary Spanish arm styling and energy – well done!
54 - Сорокин Ян - Каримова Вероника. Maturing into nice little dancers as they get older, he sometimes holds his weigh too high making him stiff and she needs to work on getting a smaller centre to be able to create more speed, but anyway improving nicely.
71 - Таран Сергей - Нечхаева Ангелина. Nice dramatic stle with good use of energy change, which was nice to watch. Maybe rumba a little stiff though but a entertaining jive.
73 - Manukyan David - Annina Yana. Good volume of action in rumba in particular with a very real approach, a very mature approach made it enjoyable to watch, nice couple, well done.
75 - Голота Никита - Кульматицкая Юлия. Fast dynamic couple with a very nice samba action, very mature use of rhythm for their age.
79 - Прокудин Антон - Васильева Татьяна. A good couple with their own particular style, I particulary liked the girl although. I saw both need to finish the actions more fully to gain more impact through body line.
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